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Kevin Durant's New Official Screenshot In NBA 2K17

The Golden State Warriors’ prized free-agent signing Kevin Durant has a new, sleeker look in NBA 2K17. Durant’s new screenshot was revealed on Saturday afternoon.

Cologne Game Show Demo Of NBA 2K17

2K Official announced that NBA 2K17 will be at GamesCom in Germany this week.

NBA 2K17 Confirmed A Complete List of Euroleague Clubs

According to Forbes, the latest talk to join the spotlight is Euroleague teams, in other words, the latest information centers around the inclusion of Euroleague teams.

NBA 2K17 Official Released George's First In-Game Screenshot

As noted by 2K Official, this week players could see new NBA 2K17 screenshots at @NBA2K instagram everyday at noon. The most notables one is NBA 2K17 first official in-game screenshot of Paul George released.

A Complete Guide To Pre-order NBA 2K17

With NBA 2K17's pre-order release just two weeks away, we've made a compilation of the features and the efforts 2K Sports has made to make "NBA 2K17" exciting. Since we started off the article with the pre-order release, we will first discuss what are the freebies you'd get if you go and pre-order NBA 2K17.

The Complete Soundtrack Playlist Has Been Released For NBA 2K17

2K Sports is currently gearing up for the release of NBA2K17. Within the procedure of moving out the game, they have currently launch the complete soundtrack playlist for that game.

It's Not Prediction: NBA 2K17 Soundtrack Playlist Released

According to the press release, 2K Sports announced Noah Shebib, Grimes and Imagine Dragons as music curators for this year's professional basketball game, NBA 2K17.

Top 5 Upgrades 2K17 Players of NBA 2K17 MyTeam

As we all know that NBA 2K17 career mode will allow fans to expand their team up to 36 teams. Within two months to be released, more and more NBA 2K17 details will be brought out. One of the most important thing that the fans concerned is the player rating,

NBA 2K17 Updates: First Trailer And US Basketball Teams

Newest update! 2K Games yesterday released a first teaser trailer for his long-awaited NBA 2K17, the next game of his famous series of the great basketball simulation.

NBA2K17 MyTEAM for the Pre-orders

We have a great deal of information occurring to the "NBA 2K17" front, which will be presently sacrificing the following month. Firstly, 2K Sports has uncovered on Facebook three fresh special MyTEAM free agent cards

NBA 2K17 Minimum System Requirements for PC

NBA 2K17 release date September 29th is upcoming now. If you are waiting for the NBA 2K17 release, you would want to make sure that their PC configuration requirements are ready for smooth gameplay.

"NBA 2K17": MyGM / MyLEAGUE - League Expansion

As the release date of the much anticipated "NBA 2K17" draws closer and closer as the weeks pass by, 2K Sports has not failed to deliver sneak peeks of what "NBA 2K17" could look like.

Displaying 421-432 of 507 results.